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Our people. Your people.

We work with businesses that take their website seriously.

We’re specialists, delivering quality and challenging the status quo to create exceptional digital projects. Ones that work hard for our clients and stand them apart.

We only do work we’re proud of.

Team 1

Senior professionals.

We’re experts in our fields. We don’t try to do everything. We just do what we do, and do it right.

Team 2

Personal touch.

We don’t have gatekeepers. Expect personal contact with our experts throughout your project. We’re hands-on.

Team 3

Exceeding expectations.

We go above and beyond for our clients and their projects. It’s our mission to give you a website that performs.

Lauren Roles
Lauren Title

Lauren Swarbrick


Co-Founder | Managing Director

Lauren is responsible for championing our clients and steering Abstrakt’s helm, ensuring we uphold our core values, mission and culture daily. Having worked with multiple agencies on the client side, she genuinely desires to do things differently and form authentic, working partnerships with our clients.

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Marc Roles
Marc Title

Marc Swarbrick


Co-Founder | Head of Impact

Marc ensures we remain and continue to become a more responsible business, advocating for people and the planet through sustainability and social responsibility. He drives our mission to create more than visually stunning, hardworking websites and, instead, make a positive impact in everything we do.

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Nikki Roles
Nikki Title

Nikki Taylor


Director | Head of Digital

Nikki leads our digital projects to guarantee exceptional quality at every step of project delivery and ensures exceeding client expectations. As a director, she drives growth with new business development and strategic planning for the business to create more value for our client partnerships.

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Jamie Roles
Jamie Title 2

Jamie Jenkins


Technical Director | Developer

Jamie leads the charge on technology and introduces the latest modern tech and best practices in the development department and beyond. Alongside paving the way for innovation, Jamie has over a decade of experience with Craft CMS and specialises in creating highly functional, super slick website builds.

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OG Roles
OG T Itle

Lauren Irwin


SEO Lead

Lauren is an SEO Lead who specialises in optimising website structures for search and users. Her expertise in content and copywriting supports deeply considered SEO strategies to elevate brand visibility in search. Combined with her understanding of User Experience and Information Architecture, she makes websites work hard organically.

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Robbo Roles
Robbo Title

Jamie Robinson


Creative Lead

Jamie is a multidisciplinary Creative Lead with amassed skills in digital brand and design, illustration and animation. He pushes the boundaries by elevating digital identities, adding finesse, movement, and innovative technologies such as 3D motion to level up websites and make them almost tactile.

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Rhys Roles
Rhys Title New

Rhys Matthew


Lead Developer

Rhys is a Lead Developer with a talent for smooth and considered front-end development. He creates slick and highly interactive websites that perform. Highly methodical, Rhys’ proficiency in problem-solving brings our clients’ functional ideas to life.  

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Lucy Roles
Lucy Title

Lucy Williams


Principal Digital Designer

With two decades in digital design, Lucy thrives on the challenge of creating unique and instinctual online experiences. She balances UX thinking with beautiful and purposeful creativity, to design vibrant, immersive websites whilst championing making an impact with digital sustainability.

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James Roles
James Title

James Harrold



James is a web Developer with frontend expertise, creating high-performing websites, focusing on page speed optimisation for super smooth, quick-loading experiences online. His attention to detail makes for pixel-perfect sites, bringing static designs to life with considered animation and flair.

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Let’s work together... as partners.

"Abstrakt have been brilliant in guiding and helping us completely transform our website design, architecture and infrastructure. 

Along every stage of our project, they have offered their expertise and recommendations clearly and honestly always with our brand values, parents and carers and kids first approach at the forefront of their thinking. It has been a pleasure to work with the whole team, who are all committed and hardworking and intent on delivering the very best outcome. We definitely view Abstrakt as an extension of our Friends team at Ella’s."

Brigitta Carter | Assistant Digital Brand Manager | Ella's Kitchen

"Abstrakt exceeded our expectations in every way! The team understood our website needs and complemented our vision perfectly. 

Right from the very beginning, they handle every phase, from the site adoption, design, and development, with the utmost professionalism and with a very tight deadline to beat!

It is so refreshing to be working with such an approachable, proactive and immensely talented team. We are thrilled to continue working together into Phase 2 and some exciting add-on developments to support our International Sporting Event this summer."

Georgia Papworth | Digital Manager | Burghley Horse Trials

"It was a pleasure partnering with Abstrakt to bring the Earth’s Best® brand to life through our new website.

Everyone on the team was invested in the vision and shared the same passion and enthusiasm in delivering our mission to help little ones grow a love of good food. We are grateful to Abstrakt for their expertise and guidance throughout the project, and we are thrilled with the outcome."

Jacquelyn Vuarchex | Senior Brand Manager | Earth’s Best®

Create with confidence? Make an impact.

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