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Annual client questionnaire 2021 | the results

1 min read

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It’s been a funny couple of years, and we’ve seen significant change with many businesses looking to forge ahead with their digital transformation.

I don’t think that will surprise anyone, given the rapid need to have a digital presence over the last few years.

More encouragingly, we’ve seen a massive shift in businesses looking to improve their customer experience and overall brand advocacy. Less has become more, appreciation for customer pain points has been adopted, and brand identity is a key factor in acquisition (and retention).

We’ve continued our own approach to understanding our client's pain points by sending out our annual client questionnaire. It’s an opportunity to give feedback anonymously and share any difficulties, improvements and highlights—all of which we share team-wide so we can understand how to improve our client experience across all of our services.

Continuing partnerships and new clients alike (some we’re yet to meet in person!), we welcome any and all feedback to continue to maintain our level of quality and attention to detail, and always doing our best to exceed expectations.

Take a look at the results of our client questionnaire for work carried out in 2021…

Abstrakt Questionnaire 2021 Image
OG Article

Lauren Irwin

Lauren is an SEO Lead specialising in SXO and optimising websites for user and search. In a nutshell, she makes websites work hard to be found.

She has specialist knowledge in organic search strategies and SXO.

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