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Abstrakt’s brand spanking new Craft 3 website and rebrand

* min read

Rocket Launch Hero

Our new Craft 3 website & rebrand is here

We’re always looking at how to improve the services that we offer and when it comes to our website, it’s important for us to stay at the forefront of design and development. Over the last eighteen months we’ve grown our team, moved offices, introduced two office dogs and started working with some incredibly exciting clients.

However, we decided to wait to introduce our new website so that we could develop on Craft 3, which was a game changer for the way our website looked and the experience it offered our users. Nobody wants to see a static website these days and Craft 3 has allowed us to develop a website that is more dynamic, more accessible and more interactive than ever before. Our content managers find it effortless to use too. Win-win all around.

We are already big advocates of Craft CMS but now we champion it more than ever before. If you’ve not heard of Craft then have a read of our articles on why we develop websites using Craft CMS instead of WordPress and why content managers love Craft CMS.

Web Launch

We’ve also had a cheeky rebrand.

We’ve grown our team over the last few months and Abstrakt’s digital offering with it. We’ve managed to snare some very skilled and creative individuals. We’re a small team where everyone gets stuck into everything and we wanted to represent our unique culture by identifying as a collective. We all work together; united. No hierarchy and no egos.

Team As

That’s why we decided to represent each individual in our team and their unique personalities in Abstrakt’s new brand, through the original illustrations of their own “A”. We kept our clean black and white identity but added a splash of colour for our services. We wanted everything to be simple but bold, so we can celebrate the client projects we’re proud to work on.

Have a look around and if it inspires you to inject a new lease of life into your current website, brand or digital marketing, get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!

What's next for Abstrakt?

We're focused on doing our best work, creating epic customer experiences through design, development and digital marketing, and building lasting partnerships with our clients.

We've got plenty of office space to grow our talented team and we're still working our way through the list of restaurants, bars and cafés we're yet to test our taste buds in around Hockley.

If you're interested in joining Abstrakt's team, starting a project or want to keep up-to-date with our newsletter, you'll find everything you need on our contact page.

OG Article

Lauren Irwin

Lauren is an SEO Lead specialising in SXO and optimising websites for user and search. In a nutshell, she makes websites work hard to be found.

She has specialist knowledge in organic search strategies and SXO.

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